Welcome to my blog

Hey everyone!

I’ve created this blog to create more awareness for the current environmental problems of this world we live in.  Not only for you guys, but also for myself.
To start off: The picture below which you can share on your social media or your own blog to raise awareness. A lot of people don’t want to think about these issues and I can really understand that.
I myself didn’t want to think about them either for a long time.
I guess it was because it scared me to really think about this world in the future, if we keep treating it like we do now. But I’m ready to open my eyes now, and I would like you too to start thinking about it too.
We are in fact borrowing this beautiful planet from our children and we are screwing up big time!
It HAS to change… As soon as possible.

I  really hope you enjoy reading this blog and that it inspires you to try and make a difference too.
If you have any questions or feedback for me you can always send me a message. I will send you an answer as soon as possible.
Lots of Love
xXx Mariska

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